Žinome, kad šiandienos sudėtingos rinkos iššūkiai, tokių kaip sauga ir tvarumas, reikalauti, kad mūsų klientai padarytų daugiau nei bet kada anksčiau. AOYU siekia padėti savo klientams įveikti šiuos iššūkius, padėdamas jiems būti efektyvesniems, produktyvesnis ir pelningesnis. Darbuotojų įdarbinimas tokiose srityse kaip modelių kūrimas, spausdinimo proceso inžinerija, pardavimas ir klientų aptarnavimas reiškia, kad galime būti jūsų partneriu gaminių dekoravimo srityje nuo pradžios iki pabaigos.
AOYU upholds the highest standards for the heat transfer foil development, production and quality management. Now the foils are not only used on the products made from PP, PVC, PC, ABS, AS,PC,but also wood, bamboo, stainless steel and glass. The products are popular not only among the domestic customers, but also the foreign customers in Middle Asia, South-east Asia, Middle East, Europe, North America and Africa.
The equipment from us is known for its reliability and long service life. Customer Service team help us provide service and support to customers from equipment adjustment to stable production. With the specific requirements and feedback from the different customers we are also working together with the partners continuously improving the equipment, designs and processes, both because we are passionate about what we do and because we strive to amaze our customers.
Since the very beginning, our core values of integrity, flexibility and win-win cooperation have been at the center of everything we do. We encourage you to get to know us better