We thinks what customers think, the urgency of urgency to act in the interests of a customer position of principle, allowing for better quality, zemākas apstrādes izmaksas, cenas ir saprātīgākas, won the new and old customers the support and affirmation for conductive gumijas silikona pads,veidņu etiķešu lietošanā,veidņu etiķetes griešanai,We are confident to make great achievements in the future. We are looking forward to becoming one of your most reliable suppliers.
Low comr tession set HCR for Rollerbiezums:3mm
Pielāgots izmērs:pieņemt
iesniegums:karstā štancēšana
Zīmogošana Temperatūra:0℃ -350 ℃
iepakošana:kartona kaste
Hot Stamping Silicone Rubber Pad Sheet
Silicone and ingredients are imported from Japan and the United States, with good elasticity. High temperature resistance and long service life. Different hardness (such as: 60 degrees, 70 degrees, 80 degrees, 90 degrees, etc.) and different aluminum plate thickness can be made according to customer requirements. Such as: 0.5MM, 1MM, 2MM, 5MM, etc.)We thinks what customers think, the urgency of urgency to act in the interests of a customer position of principle, allowing for better quality, zemākas apstrādes izmaksas, cenas ir saprātīgākas, won the new and old customers the support and affirmation for Low comr tession set HCR for Roller,mēs esam izveidojuši uzticamu reputāciju daudzu klientu vidū. Kvalitāte&klients vispirms vienmēr ir mūsu pastāvīgā meklēšana. Mēs netaupām pūles, lai radītu labākus produktus. Ceram uz ilgtermiņa sadarbību un savstarpēju labumu!