Biex tkun l-istadju tat-twettiq tal-ħolm tal-impjegati tagħna! Biex tibni aktar kuntenti, tim aktar magħqud u aktar professjonali! Biex nilħqu benefiċċju reċiproku tal-klijenti tagħna, fornituri, is-soċjetà u lilna nfusna għal Kuxxinetti tas-silikon tal-gomma konduttiva,fl-applikazzjoni tat-tikketta tal-moffa,fit-tikketta tal-moffa li taqta ', Oħloq Valuri,Li sservi lill-Klijent!, huwa l-għan li nsegwu. Sinċerament nittamaw li l-klijenti kollha jistabbilixxu kooperazzjoni fit-tul u ta 'benefiċċju reċiproku magħna. Jekk tixtieq tikseb aktar dettalji dwar il-kumpanija tagħna, Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja magħna issa.
Low Compression set HCR for Hot Stamping RollerĦxuna:3mm
Daqs apposta:Aċċetta
Ebusija:HS50 / 60/70/80
Applikazzjoni:Ittimbrar bis-sħana
Materjal:gomma / silikon
Ittemperatura tat-Temperatura:0℃ -350 ℃
Ippakkjar:kaxxa tal-kartuna
Hot Stamping Silicone Rubber Pad Sheet
Silicone and ingredients are imported from Japan and the United States, with good elasticity. High temperature resistance and long service life. Different hardness (such as: 60 degrees, 70 degrees, 80 degrees, 90 degrees, etc.) and different aluminum plate thickness can be made according to customer requirements. Such as: 0.5MM, 1MM, 2MM, 5MM, etc.)abide by the contract, conforms to the market requirement, joins in the market competition by its high quality as well as provides more comprehensive and excellent service for clients to let them become big winner. The pursue of the company, is the clients satisfaction for Low Compression set HCR for Hot Stamping Roller, We will wholeheartedly welcome all clients in the industry both at home and abroad to cooperate hand in hand, and create a bright future together.