Aħna naħsbu dak li jaħsbu l-klijenti, l-urġenza ta 'urġenza biex taġixxi fl-interessi ta' pożizzjoni ta 'prinċipju ta' klijent, li jippermetti kwalità aħjar, spejjeż ta 'proċessar aktar baxxi, il-prezzijiet huma aktar raġonevoli, won the new and old customers the support and affirmation for 3magna tal-istampar tat-trasferiment tal-istampa bis-sħana tas-sublimazzjoni bil-vakwu (st-3042),8 fi 1 magna tal-istampar bit-trasferiment tas-sħana,magna awtomatika għall-istampar tat-tikketti tat-trasferiment tas-sħana,Aħna fiduċjużi li nagħmlu kisbiet kbar fil-futur. Aħna ħerqana li nsiru wieħed mill-aktar fornituri affidabbli tiegħek.
Semi-automatic reflective heat transfer filmIn Mold LaberSpecifications
Daqs tal-Film:daqs personalizzat
Xogħol artistiku:mudelli personalizzati
Ħxuna:30/40/50/60/70/80/90 micron
Effett:giter / laser / biċċa metallika,bright/mat
Max. Kulur:10kulur
Materjal:PP / PE / PS / PET / AS / ABS / PC / ħġieġ / żebgħa sprej / ġilda / PU / EVA / PVC
Ittemperatura tat-Temperatura:140℃ -240 ℃
Applikazzjoni:bottle,paint bucket,tazza,ice cream box,and so on
MOQ:600 metru kwadru / ċilindru stabbilit / ħin
Ippakkjar:kaxxa tal-kartun bil-plybag,cut into pcs
Film Feature
1. Directly enhance the anti-counterfeiting function of the product, and better meet the brand protection needs of high-standard enterprises.
2. In-mold labeling and printing is exquisite, can do laser, aluminum plating and other special effects, so that the product packaging grade is greatly improved.
3, the form is novel and beautiful, not easy to fall off and break, waterproof, oilproof, mildewproof
4. Improve the hygiene and safety of the packaged products, and prevent environmental pollution caused by secondary printing and labeling.
5. The overall cost is significantly lower than traditional labels and direct silk screen and environmental protection.abide by the contract, conforms to the market requirement, joins in the market competition by its high quality as well as provides more comprehensive and excellent service for clients to let them become big winner. The pursue of the company, is the clients satisfaction for Semi-automatic reflective heat transfer film, We will wholeheartedly welcome all clients in the industry both at home and abroad to cooperate hand in hand, and create a bright future together.